Source code for

# ============
"""A module for dicovering raw two-level rules from a set of carefully chosen examples

Examples, contexts and rules are treated in terms of strings without any
finite-state machinery or rule compilation.  Examples and contexts are
space separated sequences of pair-symbols. 

© Kimmo Koskenniemi, 2017-2023. Free software under the GPL 3 or later.

import sys
import re
from collections import deque, defaultdict

import twol.cfg as cfg
from twol.cfg import pairsym2sympair, sympair2pairsym, pair_symbol_set
from twol.cfg import definitions, symbol_pair_set
from twol.cfg import input_symbol_set, output_symbol_set
import twol.twexamp as twexamp
from typing import List, Dict, Set, Tuple, DefaultDict, Deque

import twol.discopars as discopars

Context = Tuple[str, str]
ContextSet = Set[Context]
PairSym = str
SymPair = Tuple[str, str]
Result = Dict
ResultList = List[Result]

insym2pairsym_set: DefaultDict[str, set] = defaultdict(set)
# key: input symbol, value: set of pair symbols

outsym2pairsym_set: DefaultDict[str, set] = defaultdict(set)
# key: output symbol, value: set of pair symbols

positive_context_set = {}
negative_context_set = {}

[docs]def relevant_contexts(pair_symbol: PairSym) -> None: """Select positive and negative contexts for a given pair-symbol :parameter pair_symbol: The pairsym for which the contexts are selected. Sets a global variable ``positive_context_set[pair_symbol]`` to a set of those contexts in the examples in which the pair_symbol occurs Sets a global variable ``negative_context_set[pair_symbol]`` to a set of contexts where the input-symbol of the pair_symbol occurs with another output-symbol but so that there is no example in the example_set where the pair_symbol occurs in such a context. """ input_symbol, output_symbol = pairsym2sympair(pair_symbol) positive_ctx_set: ContextSet = set() negative_ctx_set: ContextSet = set() pairsymlist = [re.sub(r"([}{])", r"\\\1", psym) # eg. {ao}:o --> \{ao\}:o for psym in insym2pairsym_set[input_symbol]] # print(f"in relevant_contexts: {pairsymlist = }") #### pattern = re.compile("|".join(pairsymlist)) for example in cfg.example_set: for m in pattern.finditer(example): i1 = m.start() i2 = m.end() # print('"' + example[0:i1] +'"', '"' + example[i2:] + '"') ## left_context = ".#. " + example[0:i1-1] centre = example[i1:i2] if i2 >= len(example): right_context = ".#." else: right_context = example[i2+1:] + " .#." context = (left_context, right_context) # print(centre, context) ## if centre == pair_symbol: positive_ctx_set.add(context) else: negative_ctx_set.add(context) negative_ctx_set = negative_ctx_set - positive_ctx_set positive_context_set[pair_symbol] = positive_ctx_set negative_context_set[pair_symbol] = negative_ctx_set
[docs]def max_left_len(pos_context_set: set) -> int: maxlen = max([len(lc.split()) for lc, rc in pos_context_set]) return maxlen
[docs]def max_right_len(pos_context_set: set) -> int: maxlen = max([len(rc.split()) for lc, rc in pos_context_set]) return maxlen
[docs]def truncate_left(syms_to_remain: int, context_set: ContextSet ) -> ContextSet: """Truncate the left contexts :parameter syms_to_remain: A minimum number of pair symbols to remain in the left context. :parameter context_set: A set of (positive) contexts to be truncated. :returns: A new context set where left contexts are truncated """ if cfg.verbosity >= 25: print(f"entering truncate_left, {syms_to_remain =}") #### print(f"{context_set = }") #### new_context_set: ContextSet = set() for left_context, right_context in context_set: left_lst = left_context.split() start = max(0, len(left_lst) - syms_to_remain) new_lc = " ".join(left_lst[start:]) new_context_set.add((new_lc, right_context)) if cfg.verbosity >= 25: print(f"leaving truncate_left, {syms_to_remain =}") #### print(f"{new_context_set = }") #### return new_context_set
[docs]def truncate_right(syms_to_remain: int, context_set: ContextSet ) -> ContextSet: """Truncate the right contexts :parameter syms_to_remain: A minimum number of pair symbols to remain in the right context. :parameter context_set: A set of (positive) contexts to be truncated. :returns: A new context set where right contexts are truncated """ if cfg.verbosity >= 25: print(f"entering truncate_right, {syms_to_remain =}") #### print(f"{context_set = }") #### new_context_set = set() for left_context, right_context in context_set: right_lst = right_context.split() new_rc = " ".join(right_lst[0:syms_to_remain]) # print(f"{new_rc = }") #### new_context_set.add((left_context, new_rc)) if cfg.verbosity >= 25: print(f"leaving truncate_right, {syms_to_remain =}") #### print(f"{new_context_set = }") #### return new_context_set
[docs]def reduce_set(set_name: str, pos_context_set: ContextSet, ) -> ContextSet: """ Reduce contexts by substituting pair symbols with set names :parameter set_name: A name of a pairsym set in definitions. :parameter pos_context_set: A set of contexts to which the reduction is to be applied. :returns: A new set of contexts where every occurrence of pairsyms in ``definitions[set_name]`` have been substituted with ``set_name``. """ symbol_set = definitions[set_name] # print(f"{symbol_set = }") #### new_pos_context_set: ContextSet = set() for left_context, right_context in pos_context_set: new_left_ctx = [set_name if (pairsym in symbol_set or (definitions.get(pairsym, pair_symbol_set) <= symbol_set) ) else pairsym for pairsym in left_context.split()] new_rght_ctx = [set_name if (pairsym in symbol_set or (definitions.get(pairsym, pair_symbol_set) <= symbol_set) ) else pairsym for pairsym in right_context.split()] new_pos_context_set.add((" ".join(new_left_ctx), " ".join(new_rght_ctx))) if cfg.verbosity >= 20: print(f"{new_pos_context_set = }") #### return new_pos_context_set
[docs]def surface_subset(pos_context_set: ContextSet, subset_name: str ) -> ContextSet: """ Reduce the contexts by substituting insym:outsym pairs with :outsym :parameter pos_context_set: The set of contexts to be reduced :parameter subset_name: A defined subset whose sympairs are considered for reduction. :returns: A new context set where all occurences of pairsyms (``insym:outsym``) in ``definitions[subset_name]`` are replaced with (``:outsym``), e.g. ``{tds}:s`` have been reduced into e.g. ``:s``. """ pairsym2outsym_map = {} for ctx_pair in pos_context_set: for ctx in ctx_pair: sym_lst = ctx.split() # print(f"{sym_lst = }") #### for pair_sym in sym_lst: outsym = pairsym2sympair(pair_sym)[1] # print(f"{pair_sym = }, {outsym = }") #### if outsym == ".#.": pairsym2outsym_map[pair_sym] = outsym else: pairsym2outsym_map[pair_sym] = ":" + outsym # print(f"{pairsym2outsym_map = }") #### new_pos_context_set: ContextSet = set() subset = definitions[subset_name] for left_context, right_context in pos_context_set: new_left_ctx = [pairsym2outsym_map.get(pairsym, pairsym) if pairsym in subset else pairsym for pairsym in left_context.split()] new_rght_ctx = [pairsym2outsym_map.get(pairsym, pairsym) if pairsym in subset else pairsym for pairsym in right_context.split()] new_pos_context_set.add((" ".join(new_left_ctx), " ".join(new_rght_ctx))) if cfg.verbosity >= 20: print(f"{new_pos_context_set = }") #### return new_pos_context_set
[docs]def mphon_subset(pos_context_set: ContextSet, subset_name: str )-> ContextSet: """Reduces a set of contexts by replacing e.g. {ij}:i with {ij}: :param pos_context_set: A set of positive context which might be truncated and already reduced. :param subset_name: Only pairs which are in definitions[subset_name] are reduced. :returns: A modified context set where pair symbols (insym:outsym) belonging to the given subset have been reduced into (insym:). """ pairsym2insym_map = {} for ctx_pair in pos_context_set: for ctx in ctx_pair: sym_lst = ctx.split() # print(f"{sym_lst = }") #### for pair_sym in sym_lst: insym = pairsym2sympair(pair_sym)[0] # print(f"{pair_sym = }, {insym = }") #### if insym == ".#.": pairsym2insym_map[pair_sym] = insym else: pairsym2insym_map[pair_sym] = insym + ":" # print(f"{pairsym2outsym_map = }") #### new_pos_context_set: ContextSet = set() subset = definitions[subset_name] for left_context, right_context in pos_context_set: new_left_ctx = [pairsym2insym_map.get(pairsym, pairsym) if pairsym in subset else pairsym for pairsym in left_context.split()] new_rght_ctx = [pairsym2insym_map.get(pairsym, pairsym) if pairsym in subset else pairsym for pairsym in right_context.split()] new_pos_context_set.add((" ".join(new_left_ctx), " ".join(new_rght_ctx))) if cfg.verbosity >= 20: print(f"{new_pos_context_set = }") #### return new_pos_context_set
[docs]def overlap(set_lst: list[str], pairsym_lst: list[str]) -> bool: """Tests whether list of set names covers the list of pairsyms :param set_lst: List of pair symbols or names of defined sets :param pairsym_lst: List of pair symbols. If shorter than set_lst, the match fails. :returns: True if each pairsym in the latter list is included in a respective set name (or pairsym) in the former list """ #print("in overlap: set_lst = {}".format(" ".join(set_lst))) ##### #print("in overlap: pairsym_lst = {}".format(" ".join(pairsym_lst))) ##### if len(set_lst) > len(pairsym_lst): pairsym_lst = pairsym_lst + ["XYZ"]*(len(set_lst) - len(pairsym_lst)) for s, p in zip(set_lst, pairsym_lst): if s in definitions: if p not in definitions[s]: break else: if p != s: break else: #print(f"in overlap: return True") ##### return True #print(f"in overlap: return False") ##### return False
[docs]def pos_neg_is_disjoint(pos_ctx_set: ContextSet, other_ctx_set: ContextSet) -> bool: """ Tests whether a pos context set is disjoint from a negative one :parameter pos_ctx_set: A set of left and right context pairs where the contexts are represented as space-separated strings of pair symbols or set names. :parameter other_ctx_set: A context set to which the pos context is compared. The contexts are space-separated strings of pair symbols. :returns: True if the context sets are logically disjoint. """ #print_context_set(f"in pos_neg_is_disjoint: {pair_symbol = }", # pos_ctx_set) ##### for pos_left_str, pos_rght_str in pos_ctx_set: pos_left_lst = list(reversed(pos_left_str.split())) #print(f"in pos_neg_is_disjoint: {pos_left_lst = }") ##### pos_rght_lst = pos_rght_str.split() #print(f"in pos_neg_is_disjoint: {pos_rght_lst = }") ##### for neg_left_str, neg_rght_str in other_ctx_set: neg_left_lst = list(reversed(neg_left_str.split())) neg_rght_lst = neg_rght_str.split() if (overlap(pos_left_lst, neg_left_lst) and overlap(pos_rght_lst, neg_rght_lst)): #print(f"{pos_left_lst} _ {pos_rght_lst}") ##### #print(f"{neg_left_lst} _ {neg_rght_lst}\n") ##### #print("in pos_neg_is_disjoint: return False") ##### return(False) #print("in pos_neg_is_disjoint: return True\n") ##### return True
[docs]def pos_neg_is_subset(pos_ctx_set: ContextSet, ctx_set: ContextSet) -> bool: # *** not needed any more """ Tests whether the first context set is logically subset of the second :parameter pos_ctx_set: A positive context set which has gone through reductions such as truncation or replacements. :parameter ctx_set: An intact negative context set which has not been reduced. :returns: True if all context in the first set match some context in the second set. """ #print_context_set("in pos_neg_is_subset, neg set", ctx_set) ##### for pos_left_str, pos_rght_str in pos_ctx_set: pos_left_lst = list(reversed(pos_left_str.split())) #print(f"in pos_neg_is_subset: {pos_left_lst = }") ##### pos_rght_lst = pos_rght_str.split() #print(f"in pos_neg_is_subset: {pos_rght_lst = }") ##### for neg_left_str, neg_rght_str in ctx_set: neg_left_lst = list(reversed(neg_left_str.split())) #print(f"in pos_neg_is_subset: {neg_left_lst = }") ##### neg_rght_lst = neg_rght_str.split() #print(f"in pos_neg_is_subset: {neg_rght_lst = }") ##### if (overlap(pos_left_lst, neg_left_lst) and overlap(pos_rght_lst, neg_rght_lst)): break else: #print("in pos_neg_is_subset: return False\n") ##### return False #print("in pos_neg_is_subset: return True\n") ##### return True
[docs]def search_reductions(agenda: Deque, pair_symbol: PairSym, pos_context_set: ContextSet, ) -> ContextSet: """Tests and executes context reductions according to a recipe :parameter agenda: Initially a recipe. Consumed and updated during the process. :parameter pair_symbol: The pairsym for which a rule is deduced. :parameter pos_context_set: set of contexts, i.e. pairs (left_context, right_context) where the contexts are space-separated strings of pairsyms. The context are reduced during the process. """ if cfg.verbosity >= 10: print(f"in search_reductions: {agenda = }") #### if not agenda: # No more reductions to do. return pos_context_set task = agenda.popleft() # Next step to be tested. if type(task) is str: op = task elif type(task) is dict: op = task["op"] else: exit(1) if cfg.verbosity >= 10: print(f"in search_reductions: {op = }, {task = }") # -- Start with truncatig all and then truncating less and less -- if op == "truncate": side = task["side"] target_len = task.get("minimum", 0) if side == "left": max_len = max_left_len(pos_context_set) else: max_len = max_right_len(pos_context_set) if target_len <= max_len: # possible to truncate if side == "left": new_pos_ctx_set = truncate_left(target_len, pos_context_set) else: new_pos_ctx_set = truncate_right(target_len, pos_context_set) good = pos_neg_is_disjoint(new_pos_ctx_set, negative_context_set[pair_symbol]) else: good = False #print_context_set("in search_reductions, new_pos_ctx_set:", # new_pos_ctx_set) #### #print_context_set("in search_reductions, negative_context_set:", # negative_context_set[pair_symbol]) #### if (not good) and (target_len < max_len): # Possible to go on trunc new_task = {"op": op, "side": side, "minimum": target_len+1} # print(f"in search_reductions, failing but pushing {new_task = }") #### agenda.appendleft(new_task) # Next attempt pushed into agenda if good: # print("succeeding and no further tasks created from this") #### return search_reductions(agenda, pair_symbol, new_pos_ctx_set) else: return search_reductions(agenda, pair_symbol, pos_context_set) elif (op == "surface"): subset_name = task.get("set", "None") new_pos_ctx_set = surface_subset(pos_context_set, subset_name) # print_context_set(f"from surface_subset {subset_name}", new_pos_ctx_set) ###### if pos_neg_is_disjoint(new_pos_ctx_set, negative_context_set[pair_symbol]): # *** return search_reductions(agenda, pair_symbol, new_pos_ctx_set) else: return search_reductions(agenda, pair_symbol, pos_context_set) elif (op == "mphon"): subset_name = task.get("set", "None") new_pos_ctx_set = mphon_subset(pos_context_set, subset_name) if pos_neg_is_disjoint(new_pos_ctx_set, negative_context_set[pair_symbol]): return search_reductions(agenda, pair_symbol, new_pos_ctx_set) else: return search_reductions(agenda, pair_symbol, pos_context_set) elif (op in definitions): # print(f"in search_reductions, entering reduce_set({op},...)") #### new_pos_ctx_set = reduce_set(op, pos_context_set) #print_context_set(f"from reduce_set {op}", new_pos_ctx_set) ###### if pos_neg_is_disjoint(new_pos_ctx_set, negative_context_set[pair_symbol]): return search_reductions(agenda, pair_symbol, new_pos_ctx_set) else: return search_reductions(agenda, pair_symbol, pos_context_set) else: print(f"in search_reductions, exiting with invalid task: {task = }") exit(1) return set() ## just to make mypy happy
[docs]def context_to_output_str(pairsym_str: str) -> str: """Converts a pair symbol string into its surface string""" pairsym_lst = pairsym_str.split() sympair_lst = [pairsym2sympair(psym) for psym in pairsym_lst] outsym_lst = [outsym for insym, outsym in sympair_lst] return "".join(outsym_lst)
[docs]def context_set_penalty(context_set: ContextSet): width = max_left_len(context_set) + max_right_len(context_set) height = len(context_set) sym_set = set() for ctx in context_set: left_str, right_str = ctx sym_set |= set(left_str.split()) sym_set |= set(right_str.split()) depth = len(sym_set) penalty = width * height * depth return penalty
[docs]def process_results_into_rules(pairsym_lst: List[PairSym], result_lst_lst: List[List[Result]]): # process rule candidates for each recipe cand_rule_lst_dict = defaultdict(list) for result_lst in result_lst_lst: assert len(pairsym_lst) == len (result_lst) recipe = result_lst[0]["recipe"] srt_res_lst = sorted(result_lst, key=lambda x: x["weight"]) for result in srt_res_lst: pair_sym = result["pairsym"] weight = result["weight"] pos_ctx_set = result["posctx"] exclusive = True for other_result in srt_res_lst: if other_result == result: continue other_pair_sym = other_result["pairsym"] other_pos_ctx_set = negative_context_set[other_pair_sym] if not pos_neg_is_disjoint(pos_ctx_set, other_pos_ctx_set): exclusive = False break if exclusive: cand_rule_lst_dict[pair_sym].append((weight, recipe, "<=>", pos_ctx_set)) if cfg.verbosity >= 4: print_rule(result, "<=>") else: cand_rule_lst_dict[pair_sym].append((weight+1000, recipe, "=>", pos_ctx_set)) if cfg.verbosity >= 4: print_rule(result, "=>") if cfg.verbosity >= 4: print("!\n! selected rules:\n!") res_lst = [] for pairsym in pairsym_lst: cand_rule_lst = sorted(cand_rule_lst_dict[pairsym], key=lambda x: x[0]) #print(f"{cand_rule_lst = }") ##### for (weight, recipe, rule_op, pos_ctx_set) in cand_rule_lst[:1]: res = {"pairsym": pairsym, "posctx": pos_ctx_set, "recipe": recipe, "weight": weight, "ruleop": rule_op} res_lst.append(res) #print(f"{res_lst = }") ##### res_lst.sort(key=lambda x: x["weight"]) #print(f"{res_lst = }") ##### exclusive = True for res in res_lst: rule_op = res["ruleop"] if (not exclusive) or res != res_lst[-1]: print_rule(res, rule_op) if rule_op != "<=>": exclusive = False
[docs]def main(): version = cfg.timestamp(__file__) global outsym2pairsym_set import argparse import json arpar = argparse.ArgumentParser( "twol-discov", description=f"Deduces two-level rules out of"\ " a file of examples. The file must consist of"\ " lines of space-separated pair string. Such a file"\ " can be produced e.g. by twol-raw2renamed program."\ " Version: {version}") arpar.add_argument( "examples", help="Example pair strings file.", default="test.pstr") arpar.add_argument( "-s", "--symbol", help="Input symbol for which rules are produced.", default="") arpar.add_argument( "-r", "--recipes", help="Initial list of recipes for the context reductions.", default="") arpar.add_argument( "-g", "--grammar", help="EBNF grammar which defines the syntax of the definitions.", default="discovdef.ebnf") arpar.add_argument( "-d", "--definitions", help="definitions of pair symbol sets", default="setdefs.twol") arpar.add_argument( "-m", "--max-examples", help="Maximun number of examples per morphophoneme to be printed"\ " as comments. Default is 20 for each pair symbol.", type=int, default=20) arpar.add_argument( "-v", "--verbosity", help="Level of diagnostic output, default is 1. Set to"\ " 0 to omit the printing of relevant examples for the rules", type=int, default=1) args = arpar.parse_args() cfg.verbosity = args.verbosity # -- read in all examples -- twexamp.read_examples(filename_lst=[args.examples], build_fsts=False) if cfg.verbosity >= 10: print("--- all examples read in ---") parser = discopars.init(args.grammar) discopars.parse_defs(parser, args.definitions) if cfg.verbosity >= 10: for nm, cs in definitions.items(): s_str = " ".join(sorted(list(cs))) print(f"{nm}: {s_str}\n") if recipe_f = open(, 'r') task_lst_lst = list(json.load(recipe_f)) # print(f"{task_lst_lst = }") #### else: task_lst_lst = [[{"op": "truncate", "side": "left"}, {"op": "truncate", "side": "right"}]] for insym, outsym in symbol_pair_set: pair_symbol = sympair2pairsym(insym, outsym) insym2pairsym_set[insym].add(pair_symbol) outsym2pairsym_set[outsym].add(pair_symbol) for insym, symset in insym2pairsym_set.items(): definitions[insym + ":"] = symset for outsym, symset in outsym2pairsym_set.items(): definitions[":" + outsym] = symset #print(f"in main: {definitions =}") #### # -- expand a plain input symbol into a list of symbol pairs -- if args.symbol in input_symbol_set: input_symbol_lst = [args.symbol] elif not args.symbol: input_symbol_lst = sorted(list({x for x in input_symbol_set if not len(x) < 3 })) else: print(f"Symbol {args.symbol!r} does not occur in the examples") lst = list(input_symbol_set) print("The following input symbols would be valid:\n", " ".join(sorted(lst))) exit("") for input_symbol in input_symbol_lst: pairsym_lst: List[PairSym] = [] for pairsym in insym2pairsym_set[input_symbol]: pairsym_lst.append(pairsym) pairsym_lst.sort() if cfg.verbosity >= 10: print(f"{pairsym_lst = }") if len(pairsym_lst) <= 2: continue for pairsym in pairsym_lst: relevant_contexts(pairsym) result_lst_lst = [] # try each recipe in the task_lst_lst for task_lst in task_lst_lst: result_lst: ResultList = [] agenda: Deque = deque(task_lst.copy()) # -- collect the minimal contexts for each sym pair -- for pair_symbol in pairsym_lst: result_pos_ctx_set: ContextSet = search_reductions( agenda.copy(), pair_symbol, positive_context_set[pair_symbol].copy()) # print(f"{pos_contexts = }\n{neg_contexts}") #### pos_pena = context_set_penalty(result_pos_ctx_set) result_lst.append({"pairsym": pair_symbol, "posctx": result_pos_ctx_set, "weight": pos_pena, "recipe": task_lst}) for result in result_lst: if cfg.verbosity >= 5 : print_rule(result, "=>") result_lst_lst.append(result_lst) process_results_into_rules(pairsym_lst, result_lst_lst) if cfg.verbosity >= 1: for pair_symbol in pairsym_lst: insym, outsym = pairsym2sympair(pair_symbol) pos_ctx_lst = list(positive_context_set[pair_symbol]) srt_ctx_lst = sorted(pos_ctx_lst, key=lambda x: x[1]) step = len(srt_ctx_lst) // args.max_examples if step == 0: step = 1 for lc, rc in srt_ctx_lst[::step]: l_str = context_to_output_str(lc[3:]) r_str = context_to_output_str(rc[:-3]) print(f"!{l_str:>29}<{outsym}>{r_str}") print("\n!-------------------------------------------------")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()